Monday, August 28, 2023

Soaking Wet and Lots of Plans

Hello Everyone,

This has been such an amazing week and I have seen the "gift of tongues" so strongly as I have spoken with members and just random people that we meet around the city. I know that it is in God's plan for me to learn this language and to be able to speak to the people in Denmark. My understanding of the language has shot up like an exponential graph. I can see the miracles that have happened and can only imagine the miracles to come!

This has been a weird week for the weather as it has gone in and out of hardcore rain to being pretty warm. The weather predicts more and more rain so I can tell that it's really starting to ramp up. Along with that the sun has been starting to set way earlier making it so that we are forced to bike home in the dark which has been both fun and chaotic. Aarhus has a lot of drunk people and we had a problem when one of them walked into the middle of the road making my companion, Ældste Biesinger, stop fast and me to crash into the back of him falling over and crashing into the ground. Luckily no broken tooth but just a little more scraped up. Gotta bike slow at night to avoid the people. 

We have had a lot of service opportunities this week again. Each time I feel the love that God feels for others as we help without gain. We built some furniture and helped some people move out. In the process, we did however acquire one very important thing and that is the Mona Lisa. At least I'm pretty sure it's the real one? All I know is it is now my prized possession. I think we will hang it up in our apartment.

We didn't teach too much this week but we have been getting in contact with a lot of people as they get home from summer vacations. The lessons we did teach were with two amazing people that have had such hard and interesting lives. We'll call them Ted and Braden. Ted was a Chef and is an absolute beast of a man. He has this cool beard and just a great relationship with God. Ted was also a chef and he is an older man. He has been trying to find some more purpose and found the church. He has been coming to activities and meeting with missionaries for a bit. I hope that both of these amazing men can feel God's love in their lives and see the joy that they can have through covenants. 

We played fodbold (soccer) in the rain and it was an all right experience. I am in no way a good player but I can play a bit. When I say it was raining and I mean really raining. We were soaked half way through but still kept playing and having fun. We were with one investigator that I had never met before but he was a very kind and active guy. We ended up losing because one of the other guys was really good. It was a memorable, good time.

We gave the lesson in church today making for a pretty interesting turn of events as we cannot understand Danish completely. We did well enough though and encouraged a lot of discussion to the point that we didn't have enough time to share everything that we had prepared. It was about forgiveness and all I can say is that I am so thankful for Christ and his sacrifice. Without it we would be stuck making mistakes with no way to feel redeemed or to be with our Father in Heaven again. På grund af ham kan vi modtage tilgivelse fra Gud. 

Vi ses næste uge!
Elder Lines

Here are some pictures from the week and if you want a link to my main Photo Album just ask! Also, my tooth is fixed!!!!

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