Monday, January 15, 2024

Zone Konference! Alt er stille og rolig!

 Hello everyone!

This week has been very good! We have been having a lot of activities through service and a few lessons that we are trying to plan. We had the opportunity to go up to Copenhagen for Zone Conference! We had some effective trainings and went on some Blitz Splits-- which just means we went out in the city to find some people and get to be with some different missionaries to learn and practice! Sadly everybody was getting sick a couple of days before so our time there was weird as we weren't allowed to shake anybody's hands. Overall it was fun and we had a great time with the missionaries there!

On Wednesdays we had an eating appointment in the evening and did a lot of outdoor contacting. We have had some really big success in a lot of ways and it just honestly testifies that we are being put in the right places at the right time! God provides a plan and a place for the work that He has called. The eating appointment that night was also fun and we got to eat some traditional Italian food! It was absolutely delicious!

The next two days were spent going out and finding in a variety of places  and also had service and language study with a member. It's so good to keep learning more and more Danish!! The days went by fast as we really were out for a good portion of the day!

On Saturday we took the train up to Lundby and had a good time trying to find some people there. We were able to talk to with good people and probably will have some new plans shortly as a result. The train ride there was awesome--such a beautiful part of Denmark. Truly, Denmark is really beautiful. 

Sunday was a great time as we got to go out with a member and contact some people. Even though no one was interested or home it was still so fun to talk and get to be out with him. We had an amazing time that night knocking some doors but because of the Coronation of the King not many people were interested! (Yes, Denmark has a new King!) 

Today has been amazing! We have been able to take it very slow and for our work hours we had a really exciting thing happen! We asked our friend Lena to be baptized and she said "Yes"! We talked about planning and if she had any other questions and then prayed and I just felt the strength of the spirit connecting the dots between everything! It was a really powerful, meaningful and memorable experience for me.

All in all, this week has been really good and I am very happy to have had such a blessed week! This time is flying by. This week marks 8 months of my mission. 1/3 of the way done. It has been a great decision to be here and I continue to feel blessings from above.  Thank you everyone for your prayers and your support to our work wherever you are. Vi ses! 

Elder Lines

Monday, January 8, 2024

Et nytår og Mormons Bog

Hello Everyone,

This week has been amazing and I am really thankful that I get to be here in the year of 2024 to do the Lord's work. 

This last week we have been trying to do more missionary work. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent doing the most normal missionary work and just planning for some future activities like service and possibly a fun board game night with the branch we are in! Much of the community was still in holiday mode so it's been slowish. Thursday was a bit of a bigger day as we went to Vordingborg to follow up with some people we have talked with before and also do some street contacting in the city. That was also the day we did our weekly planning and really put a lot of useful and important information into our area book! The work goes on in that sense and it has been super fun to get to see some big changes in those we meet with!

Friday and Saturday were absolutely amazing as we had a lot of lessons planned and got to go through with a lot of them! Meaning, there were no cancellations. We taught some members that had been inactive and did some good service to some potential friends! All in all those days were great and a good reminder that we are put in the right place at the right time as we found somebody on our way back from finding one night. We asked some questions and after some time we invited her to church and to read a Book of Mormon in Ukrainian! It was an insane experience and just really gave us a boost in our work!

Sunday was fast Sunday, and the finding that day was short, the lesson we had didn't happen but we did get to go to an eating appointment with some members and talked about the Book of Mormon reading as part of Come Follow Me! 

Today we have been able to go to Copenhagen and have some fun in the busy city! The weather has been cold, snowy and rainy so often it is freezing but through the power of layers we have been able to stay warm! We rode the subway and visited the city center, and I bought a new, very waterproof backpack since my original one wasn't as good. It's the little things!

The Book of Mormon has been a focus of my mission. I've loved reading this book. My testimony has increased as I know that Christ loves all of us enough....and like we read in 3rd Nephi, He loves all the people of the world. His appearance to the people of the Book of Mormon is really powerful. In this new year, we have the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon and to go deeper than we ever have before. I hope that we all take the opportunity to search for Christ in all the verses we read as I know that as we do that, our lives will change. 

Thank you everyone for your prayers! Prayer this week has been strong for us as we pray everyday that our friends will feel the same spirit that we do, in their own unique way. We get to see some miracles when we honestly and sincerely pray to our Heavenly Father! I am thankful for that truth that has been prevalent in my time on my mission thus far. I'm looking forward to zone conference this week in Copenhagen. 

Elder Lines

Here are some pictures of our trip in Copenhagen next to a statue, some art work, and some other scenery we have seen throughout the week! 

Vi ses!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Hav et godt nytår!

Hello Everyone,

This week there is a lot to report on! It started out of course with the end of the Christmas season. We got to go to members houses and plan a lot of activities to fill the time. I like being busy. 

For the two days after Monday we got to just do the most normal missionary work we could trying to focus on the people we talked to! We had a lot of great conversations and a lot of great spiritual discussions! All in all not much happened except going out to talk and find people. We did get to go out to dinner this week and the food, as always from Danish restaurants, was delicious! Thank you grandpa & grandma for the Christmas money!!! That was a fun, delicious treat. You know my love language!

After that we got to prepare to head up to Copenhagen on splits! We got our work done doing some service clearing out thorn bushes! That has always been a fun experience! We arrived later in the night to Copenhagen and woke up the next day to do more work.  A fun part of our splits was us getting to go around the great city and contact all we could. I think my favorite thing that happened was the blessing we gave to one of the sister missionaries in the area. She asked us to give her one so after some permission from our mission President we went along with it. We gave her a blessing and the entire time we could all feel the guidance that was being given. It is just another testament to the strength that comes from priesthood blessings. The power of God is manifested!

On Sunday, we were home after a long drive the night before. We got to have a shorter Church for the New Year and spend the evening with some new potential friends talking and playing some games. We got to have a super fun time and really teach some good. 

As of today, Monday, we have been outside doing a district campfire! We enjoyed some tomato soup, smores, and snacks whilst we played some board games. The rainy day with the campfire was definitely one of the most fun things I have done! I am very thankful to be in Denmark during this season and into the coming year.

Although the Danes are sometimes a little hard to teach,  the ones that are members have the strongest testimonies ever! They carry the work here and we are so very thankful for their support!

Thank you so much everyone for your prayers and I wish you a Happy New Year! 
Elder Lines